Biohand: Thesis presentation video
On August 28th I’ve presented my thesis on the biohand. The whole was recorded and edited; audio quality could be better, but it still does the trick. English subtitles available!
Posts related to the development of the biohand project.
On August 28th I’ve presented my thesis on the biohand. The whole was recorded and edited; audio quality could be better, but it still does the trick. English subtitles available!
I submitted my biohand project as an entry to the 2015 Hackaday Prize. Cool. So, after spending a long month in a [21st-century] cave while writing my thesis (about the biohand), I discovered on August 16th that I needed to post a descriptive video of my entry until August 17th. Today. So yea, biohand‘s main … Read more
This page has been gathering some dust now, but this will change in the next weeks. I’ve been working on a new project, the biohand. It’s a low-cost 3D-printed hand prosthesis, that aims at offering technical qualities similar to multi-thousand dollar devices. More details shall come in another post. For now, I’m just willing to … Read more